The Importance of Guest Blogging for Your Hotel


Renee Radia

Apr 11, 2012


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We have covered before why writing your blog is beneficial for not only your SEO purposes but also so you can connect with your audience and generate more exposure for your brand or business. It is essential to post fresh and quality content to your blog consistently. Once you have an established blog for your company and have learned how to manage your time so that you can effectively blog regularly, there is yet another step that can take you, as a blogger, as well as your blog itself, to the next level.

Why write a guest blog post?

Guest blogging is a promising tactic that can deliver many positive outcomes. It can increase your exposure drastically, especially if you pair up with a high-traffic blog. It is yet another way to get your name out there and make it synonymous with a specific area or industry. It can enhance your credibility and allow you to be known as an expert within that field. Guest blogging can also help garner a broader community around your business or blog. If someone is a follower of the blog on which you guest post, he or she may also become a reader of your blog. As you become more experienced in writing, and as your content becomes more compelling and insightful, you are more likely to get comments and interesting discussions based on your material. This also helps in increasing your community and your following.

Another great perk of guest blogging is that you get to know other like-minded bloggers who may be influential in your industry. The blogging community is so vast, and most bloggers are more than happy to help each other out, so it’s just another way to get involved. Plus, you never know when you will have a busy week and may want to include a guest post on your site.

Guest blogging improves SEO

One of the biggest reasons to guest blog is that it can significantly improve your SEO. Since Google’s Panda update, it has been all about quality over quantity. Google is looking to increase your placing if you post well-written and relevant content. Also, the hope is that your posts will be shared by many across multiple social networks.

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