Make Your Hotel's Instagram Stand Out With These Techniques


José Gómez

Aug 31, 2018


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Social Media

Today's highly targeted generation appreciates genuine content, fun culture, information relevant to them, and an emotional connection with a brand. Hoteliers will need to step up their game and make it about their guests – not about the hotel. This means that a hotel's Instagram campaign needs to be fun, interactive, and creative to gain loyal followers. Follow these 3 Techniques that will make your hotel stand out:

1. Use a Popular Event to Reach a Large Crowd

Find a popular event to attract a new crowd and reach a large group of people! Hotels can host a party for significant events like New Years Eve, 4th of July, concerts, parades, conventions, Superbowl, etc. If hoteliers are strategic and creative, they can gain a massive crowd following events targeted. Possible ideas include hosting a Grammy party with cocktails and appetizers or hosting a Superbowl party with a unique theme – the possibilities are endless!

2. Collaborate with Local Influencers

Most hotels fail to show off their best assets! This is where hoteliers need to begin thinking about the experience their guests enjoy at the hotel – maybe it's a unique cocktail or a delicious dessert. When you have a feature, amenity, or offer, inviting users to visit the property and experience it for themselves can generate tons of positive social proof. Coordinating a small event or "InstaMeet" will result in local influencers promoting the hotel for you! The key is to find local bloggers or journalists who are relevant to your feature, amenity, or offer. Once you find a few relevant users, email them and invite them to an event.

For example, if you want to raise awareness of unique cocktails at the hotel, you can invite local influencers to a happy hour at the hotel. For this event, you can ask bloggers who give tips about local happy hours, bars, cocktails, or hotels because these are all relevant to you.

Also, do not forget to create a hashtag that is unique to the amenity/event – for example, #fancycocktails. This way, the users will include your hashtag and your Instagram name when posting images of your hotel – thus, directing their followers to your Instagram.

3. Instagram Contest – Promote the Hotel at a Low Cost!

Contests on Instagram get your followers involved and encourages engagement. Excite your followers with a fun competition -include an amenity, location, holiday, season, or attraction – and an attractive reward – a free stay, event tickets, or hotel voucher.

Hoteliers need to check out different kinds of contests such as hashtag contests, like-to-win contests, and even selfie-station contests. All you need is a creative idea and some initiative to get these going.

Attracting new followers isn't easy, so take some time to get to know your guests. Paying attention to what guests say about your hotel online will let you know what they love, expect, and need. Maybe they like the view from your hotel, the location, or the bar. Find your competitive advantage and utilize that to raise awareness and popularity via Instagram.

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