How to Write the Best Job Description


Kathryn Park

Nov 6, 2020


category folder


Human Resources

Job descriptions are the one thing that connects an employer to eligible employees before hiring. They talk about the opportunity that one can have if they can land the position. Sometimes, job descriptions can attract the wrong crowd depending on the language. Everything you write within that paragraph can change the way of life within a company. You’ll have a brand new hire after all! So, what makes a job description great? What kinds of phrases and wording appeals to those who are seeking employment? There are many factors to be considered when delving into this part of the hiring process. If you’re in charge of drafting the words that will end up on a job site, and you’re uncertain about what you’ve come up with, look no further than’re in the right place. In this post, you’ll learn how to write the best job description.

What Is the Job Title?‍

Different Job titles cut from newspaper - Careers

First things first, what kind of position are you creating the description for? For the most part, all positions should be considered formal and professional. However, not all of them require extremely advanced language or complicated explanations. Sometimes the simplest things can have the most impact, and the job title is one of the most critical parts of a great job description. Who are you trying to hire? Professional painters, perhaps a teacher, a mechanic, or a web designer for an online marketing co? Many job descriptions sound relatively generic, especially if the job calls for a set of foundational skills. Regardless, as long as there is a specific job title heading on the page, you’re good to go.

Give Them A Glimpse‍

Job Description Folders

Next, give your readers a sneak peek. Instead of delving right into the job description and going straight into the details, provide a preview. This doesn’t have to be long or jam-packed with information. Instead, you can use this small section to ask a question to keep your viewers engaged. Talk about what working in that position for your particular company entails and how their lives may change if they are hired. Why should they stop looking for other offers and apply to your company? Make sure you are using language that is welcoming and easy to follow. Don’t get overly descriptive here. That is where the rest of the job description comes in. This small glimpse is simply to draw people into the rest of the post.

Don’t Be Over The Top‍

This goes without saying. Everyone considers their business to be the “top” or the “absolute best out there” when it comes to whatever business you’re in. We get it. Statements like that are overused, and they’re entirely unoriginal. It’s okay to describe your company as the best, especially if it is in your eyes. Except, your future employees don’t know about your standards or what qualifies your business as the best. Unless you’re highly ranked and internationally recognized by millions of people, you may be considered an underdog in the books of newcomers. Don’t let this distract you, though. The only thing you have to do to prove to your future hires that you’re the best to work for is to explain the benefits of becoming employed by your business. Don’t just focus on one strong area of your company. Expand on all of them, and explain in the description how the open position plays a role in each of these categories. Remind people that having them on board is beneficial to them personally and the business in general. Many people who know their skills and qualifications will not shy away from a company that is also too aware of their strengths. Use language that is relatable and can draw people into applying.

Talk About The Future‍

Traffic sign that says "Opportunity Just Ahead"

Many future employees may ask themselves, “what will my future look like if I work for this business long term?” You should be prepared to answer that question within your job description. Don’t hover on the mundane aspects of a job description like the basic duties and expectations. Be sure also to cover the long term goals of the business. Talk about plans for expansion and future development if it’s applicable. Explain how someone in the open position will create a bright future for the company. This will make readers feel as though they will be able to go places and progress as an employee. If possible, you should also include how someone can make personal advancements resulting in spectacular achievements and recognition. You should be aiming to keep potential hires excited about the process of becoming an employee with you. Once again, keep your readers engaged in creating their vision of what their life could look like in that position.

Ask Current Employees For Input‍

Sometimes it’s best to get a second opinion or some feedback from people who are currently working for the business. If they’re passionate about what they do, ask them why they feel this way towards their job. You can use these real testimonials and include them in your job description. Nothing beats a real-time review! This will also help with eliminating the extra jargon that is bound to be included as you write. The current employee input will also provide some perspective on which skills are most important to have while working for the company. You can then include these in your final description draft.

Company Culture‍

Team joining hands together in the center

Now, this is crucial. Company culture can make for a successful hiring process or a disastrous one. This is very important to include when crafting a job description. Company culture is precisely what it sounds like. What are the people like? Does the business favor collaborative working spaces? Are employees friendly? Do those who currently work for the business have positive or negative things to say? Are people genuinely happy as employees of this company? All of these questions can be answered by talking about company culture. The experience that one can expect before signing onto the job is important and should be extremely transparent. Be forthcoming and inviting when creating this portion of the job description. People want to feel connected to what they do and explain how it is possible based on their social environment.

Now that you have a better idea of writing the best job description try taking what you've learned and create! Job descriptions don't have to be lifeless or dull. They can be the complete opposite of that. Don't be afraid to showcase your creative ability when it comes to creating job descriptions.

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