Tips to Help Improve Your Hotel’s Results for Social Media


Tina Cheong

Dec 17, 2015


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Social Media

Every hotelier should have a well-crafted social media strategy when it comes to marketing their property through social media. However, there comes to a point where the same methods become stale, and the audience becomes less engaged than before. When this happens, it’s time to change up your social media strategy and add some flair into it to maintain consistent results. Here are some simple but effective ways to help keep your audience engaged to the content that you release so that you can continue to see better results from your social media efforts.

User-generated content

The guest wants to see what people who have stayed at that property have to say about it. A great way to gain the trust of your potential guest would be to have a page dedicated to reviews or have widgets that show reviews from several sites such as Tripadvisor or Yelp. Reviews left by guests who have previously stayed at the hotel are usually very credible. They could influence one’s decision on whether or not to book their stay at your hotel over your competitors.

 A specific hashtag can be created for your hotel only for guests who wish to post photos of their stay. That way, all the images can be easily located under one hashtag, and potential guests can easily take a look through everything by simply entering that hashtag.

Let your guests know you are active

This one might seem obvious, but not everyone is determined on all of their social media channels. The times are changing, and people tend to seek answers by asking through social media. It’s essential to offer quality customer service to the audience through social media by responding with the correct answer on time. There should be a social media team created dedicated to handling any questions and comments that guests may send through the social media platforms. For example, if a hotel guest tweets to your hotel’s Twitter about missing amenities in their room, then the team should be able to assist them with this issue and handle it immediately, so the guest knows that their tweet has been read and will be dealt with. Responding promptly will let your audience know that you are, in fact, active on social media, and there are people constantly monitoring it.

Interaction and Feedback

This one goes hand in hand with the previous tip. In addition to letting your audience know that you are active on social media, the interaction should seem natural and not scripted. Innate responses are preferred since the audience will feel like they’re interacting with an actual person and not a robot that sends automated responses. Feedback and comments are also critical because this is how hoteliers can make constant improvements to their hotels and social media marketing strategy.

Don’t be afraid to come up with new ways to spice up your content to keep your audience engaged. Social media plays a crucial role in marketing strategies, so improving your social media’s results is important too. What other methods do you think hoteliers should implement to increase their results?

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