Do You Understand The Power Of Keywords


Nigel Rodgers

Jun 4, 2015


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Search Engine Marketing

Hotel websites are always in competition for prime web search space with the OTA’s. As a hotelier, having a high rank on Google is extremely important. Unique, well-written website content is sure to give your site a boost. But content is not enough to help your website stand above the competition. This is why the use of keywords is necessary. Keywords are words or phrases that target the needs of the audience; they are what your potential guests are entering into search engines like Google when searching for a hotel. Using the “right” keywords will move your site up on search results and bring more traffic to your website. There are many ways to incorporate keywords into your copy. Keywords aren’t just random phrases that are placed into your content. They should be used strategically to garner the best results and, most importantly, to generate conversions.

Keywords are what you think someone would enter into a search engine when looking for hotels. For instance, if the strengths of your hotel are its affordable prices and prime location, then a strong keyword would be “affordable hotel near popular attractions.” This phrase, and variations of it, should then be placed into the content on your website. So if a potential guest enters that phrase (or anything similar), then your site will have a better possibility of ranking if the content as a whole is relevant to the searcher’s intent. The best way to decide on keywords is to get into the minds of the audience you want to attract and also how you, yourself, would do a search for a particular hotel or destination. What hotel attributes does your audience desire? These are the things to consider when selecting a keyword or phrase. Do they want a room with a view? Are your guests coming to see famous attractions? Is your hotel family-friendly? If so, use keywords that target those attributes of your hotel.

The use of keywords is a marketing strategy. Therefore, hoteliers must be mindful of how the keywords are used. It is important not to overuse keywords because your site can come off as spammy. This is what is known as keyword stuffing. 

Besides the content, keywords can also be placed in titles, headings, URLs, and internal links that connect to other pages on your site. Long-tailed keywords are also useful. Long-tailed keywords are highly specific phrases that contain more words than an average keyword and tend to yield better conversions. An example of a long-tailed keyword: “Family-friendly hotel near popular attractions with affordable rates and a heated pool.” These keywords cover a more specific search area and are more likely to get your site on the first page. Remember, when using keywords, ensure that they fit smoothly and organically into the rest of your content.

Choosing the right keywords will take some research and brainstorming. Google also offers a keyword tool that will allow you to see the strength of a potential keyword. Once you decide on your keywords, ensure that they naturally flow with your content. Mastering your use of keywords raises the likelihood of a better ranking. Remember to keep your guests in mind when coming up with these keywords. The more specific your keywords are, the more likely you are to get a better search ranking.

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