Work-Life Balance for Small Business Owners


Pembrook Nelson

Oct 29, 2020


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Being a small business owner can be incredibly lucrative and rewarding. You get to make all the decisions on how to run your business so that it fits your wants and needs. Simultaneously, running a small business can be time-consuming and potentially consume every aspect of your life.

To ensure that you aren’t getting overly stressed, leading to poor health, you need to develop a work-life balance. Not only will this reduce your worries and concerns, but it will also make you more productive and successful at work.

Developing a Work-Life Balance for Small Business Owners‍

Work-Life-Balance Venn diagram

One of the best ways to ensure that you achieve all of your goals and dreams, in both your personal life and work life, is by staying innovative. Some of the ways to find a work-life balance for small business owners include the following:

1. Determine Priorities‍

As a small business owner, you know that there are always a million things that need to be taken care of on a given day. Since there are only so many hours per week, taking care of all those tasks isn’t possible. To ensure that you aren’t stretching yourself too thin, you need to determine your priorities.

It’s in your best interest to take care of the most critical problems or tasks before anything else. Once those have been handled, then you can take on smaller issues — if you have time. Be honest with yourself and your abilities. Only take on tasks and problems you know you can handle.

2. Get Help‍

Once you have determined your top priorities, you will need to get help for the other things you can’t do. This will include tasks in both your business and personal life. If you don’t have the time or energy to clean your house after a long day, hire someone to help. Should you find you can’t make it to the grocery store, have them delivered or consider using a meal-delivery service.

When it comes to your business, it’s possible to outsource many tasks to other professionals. This could include having someone help you with creating a website or developing marketing campaigns. If you don’t have accounting skills, work with a freelancer or outsourcing company that does.

3. Create Boundaries‍

Boundaries - hand stopping a domino

When it comes to your work-life balance, you have to be honest with yourself. You may think that you can do it all, but you can’t. You may have a lot of drive, skills, and ambition, but time works against you.

Setting boundaries is one of the best ways to ensure that you can stay focused at work and spend quality time with family and friends. The boundaries you create will be unique to your situation, but some of the things you might consider include setting a deadline each day when you stop working. This might be 5:00 pm or perhaps even 3:00 pm when your kids get out of school.

No matter what time you choose, the important thing is that you pull yourself entirely away from work. Unless an emergency arises, you shouldn’t answer emails or calls that are work-related.

It’s also beneficial to have a dedicated workspace. If you work from home, it’s a good idea to have an office with a door. That way, you can close it to block out distractions while you are working. When your time is up, you can then close the door to resist the temptation to enter the room and “just check on something real quick.”

Digital schedule on a tablet

4. Create a Schedule‍

Part of developing boundaries for your work-life balance might mean creating a schedule. You’ll want to make sure you set aside personal time and work time. If it works to your advantage, block out time each day to dedicate to quality time at work and with those you love. When you are engaged in either activity, make sure you are focused on the task at hand.

You Can’t Do it All‍

You may be incredibly savvy and resourceful when it comes to your business and personal life, but you aren’t perfect. There’s no way you can do it all. If you try, you’ll wind up working long hours and increasing your stress. Once that happens, there’s an increased risk of getting sick, which means you won’t be able to enjoy any aspect of life.

At E-Marketing Associates, we want you to live your best life possible and help you run a successful business. We have a wide range of professionals who can help with website creation, lead generation, social media, review monitoring, and more. Contact us if you need help with El Monte digital marketing.

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