Spice Up Your Tweets with GIFs!


Arielle Reyes

Mar 14, 2016


category folder


Social Media

On social media, it’s very easy for your posts to get lost in the noise, which is why hotel marketers are always trying to come up with new ways to make their posts stand out. If you’re looking for a fun way to make your tweets shine that will also increase your engagement, consider tweeting out GIFs. If you aren’t familiar with GIFs, they are short animations similar to a video, but a lot quicker in length. If you are familiar with GIFs, you may have already found yourself pausing on your Twitter feed to take in the entirety of the GIF.

This is the type of attention that you are hoping to gain from your tweets. Tweets are more likely to stand out with photos, GIFs, videos, and Twitter Cards. You may be wondering how to upload GIFs to Twitter, and it’s pretty easy. First, find a relevant GIF that will add to the tweet you are posting – just as you would when choosing out a photo. Follow these steps to add a GIF to a tweet.

Create Your GIF

Creating your GIF from scratch is best if you are looking to create a unique GIF that is highly relevant to your brand. This is usually best for companies that have in-house graphic designers that can create them. There are also GIF makers that you can find online. Giphy, for example, has an easy way to create a GIF from a YouTube URL or by uploading a video. You can upload your GIF directly to Twitter the same way you would upload a regular photo.


If you are interested in pre-made GIFs, one of the most popular sites out there is Giphy. This site offers a wide array of options and allows users to search by keywords or by category. What’s also great is that the website will provide suggestions to the right of each GIF you click on to help you find the right one. Once you have selected the GIF you want to use, right-click the image and click ‘Save Image As.’ You can upload the GIF to Twitter the same way you would upload a photo.


If you’re looking for a hassle-free and straightforward way to upload a GIF to Twitter, Twitter now allows you to browse through a variety of GIFs directly on the site. Compose a new tweet, and you will notice a button that now says ‘GIF’ in between the location and poll buttons. Once you click the GIF button, a drop-down will appear, and you can choose a GIF based on different categories.

Using GIFs in your tweets can help get your tweets noticed and improve engagement. If you’re looking for a way for your tweets to stand out, try using GIFs

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