Four Reasons SEO Campaigns Fail, and How To Change That


Alex Corral

Dec 23, 2013


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Search Engine Marketing

Businesses launch SEO campaigns all the time, and these campaigns often fail for a few standard reasons. The problem is, each failed campaign is a loss of time, money, and potential profits. What can you do to make sure that your campaign's fare reaching potential guests at your hotel? The first step is being aware of the cause. These four reasons are why ninety percent of SEO campaigns fail.

1. Companies try to appeal to too many people

A business should know its market and understand its audience. Trying to create a blanket campaign that calls to every gender and every creed will fail. Being aware of who specifically your customers are will prevent your campaign from failing to get anyone's attention. Is your hotel near an attractive tourist location for retirees? Is your town a business convention hub? This information is one of the basic elements of starting a business and is essential for implementation into a successful SEO campaign.

2. Poor branding

Not only is an SEO campaign meant to bring more customers, but it is also expected to strengthen the brand of your company. The problem is, far too many people misunderstand branding and what it is meant to do. If that is the case, consider seeking an external expert – it saves you the trouble of becoming a branding expert, an area that can take years to master fully. It's easier to hire someone if you have a problem with branding.

3. Failure to do the proper research beforehand

In the same vein as not knowing your audience, an SEO campaign that doesn't correctly do keyword research is doomed to fail. Ranking for keywords is essential for search engine optimization, and without knowing the terms your audience is using to search for you, how can you properly optimize? Using a keyword tool like those provided by Google or a paid service from another company is a great way to get started. This puts your best foot forward in the game of keyword research. It sometimes takes as much time planning for keywords as all the other elements of a campaign combined, so don't worry if it takes a while. Knowing what your guests will be searching (besides "hotels near…) will help you find the right keywords.

4. Poor content on the website

If visitors arrive on your site, and it is filled with dull images and confusing prices, they will have no reason to stick around. Make sure that your rooms look attractive, and that booking is easy and quick. A campaign must be successful on both the front end and the back end. If your campaign is successful, there must be useful content for the reader to consume once they arrive. If not, then the user will quickly lose interest and bounce somewhere else.

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