Beginner’s Guide to Improving Online Reviews



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You have probably heard about the importance of online reviews on multiple occasions. In today’s digital world, cleaning up your hotel’s online reputation is critical. This does not mean you should delete negative comments or respond defensively. It does, however, mean you need to respond to all reviews promptly and let the reviewer know you intend to fix the problem. Once you have addressed the concerns, it’s time for you to fix the problem – that’s where the real cleaning begins.

There are always reputation management tactics promising to save your hotel’s reputation. The truth is, it’s not about tactics. It’s about changing your perspective on customer service and implementing strategies that deliver an exceptional experience. Once your staff sees your hotel from the customer’s point of view, they will be able to provide an excellent experience rather than a dull service. Make sure your entire team is aware of what it takes to deliver exceptional customer service. It only takes one staff member to upset a customer, who will then write all about it online!

Competent customer service requires three skills – awareness, relationships, and taking ownership. Where do you begin?

1. Awareness

First, staff must take ownership of every customer interaction and provide customers with all the knowledge of your hotel and the area to exceed guests’ expectations. To ensure guest satisfaction and loyalty, hotel staff needs to take every interaction with customers as an opportunity to deliver an extraordinary guest experience.

2. Relationships

Second, ask the customer some questions to discover their needs and make recommendations to improve their stay. This will give staff members a chance to engage in conversations and create a relationship with guests.

3. Taking Ownership

Hoteliers need to understand the importance of guest reviews and take ownership. Hotel reviews – good or bad – are a direct reflection of hotel staff, as a whole.

It will take more than traditional customer service tactics to gain guest retention. It will require more than answering phones cordially or offering further assistance to customers. Excellent guest experience includes a warm greeting, welcoming tone, and a big smile. It could also include discovering the guest’s needs and interest to suggest local attractions or accommodations, and remember to promote products and benefits throughout the conversation. This makes your staff members experts and likable, which will increase guest loyalty & clean up your online reputation.

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