Social Media Content Ideas for Small Business


Julie Frost

Jun 13, 2022


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Social Media

Many businesses sign up for social media, upload their branding and get ready to make their first post, only to realize that they're stuck. Talking about new products draws in a few followers, but people follow accounts because they want great content, not a stream of advertisements.

With these social media content ideas for small businesses, you can turn your company's social media channels into a content library with polls, videos, blogs, memes, and more that turn followers into repeat customers. And, if you have a blog you can share those articles with your followers as well. Many small businesses have problems with blogs because they don’t have anyone to write them so they never get started.

Once you start posting meaningful content, instead of mindlessly scrolling through your posts, your audience will look forward to reading your daily content. Plus, they'll encourage friends to follow your profiles, which will build a community around your business.

Social Media Content Ideas for Small Business

Content is King

If you need inspiration, these social media content ideas for small business will help you create diverse, engaging posts that draw in strangers, not just friends and relatives that want to support you. Add these ideas to your social media calendar to plan ahead and avoid posting the same content twice.


Hosting giveaways draw in followers that might have otherwise kept scrolling. Everyone loves free stuff even if they've never bought your products before. They'll share your post and hope for the best, advertising your business along the way. When their followers see the word "giveaway," they'll jump in so they can get their own entries.

No business is too small for a giveaway. Even if you're not making profits yet, you could offer one or two items or a small service, like a free consultation. You might have to sacrifice a few products or a little time, but you'll make up for the loss by earning new engagements and followers. Eventually, this translates to increased sales.

To host a giveaway, announce the giveaway on social media with the prize and deadline, then tell followers how to earn an entry. You might ask followers to share your post, tweet a hashtag, or tag their friends to join in. Don't make the entries too difficult to earn--no one's going to join in if they have to write a paragraph or share multiple posts. Keep it simple while still promoting your company.

Keep track of each entry, then choose the winner and reach out to let them know. If you have extra time, you could host a live drawing on Instagram to build excitement and create a sense of community. Followers will watch your live stream to see which entry you pull. Just make sure you post the date and time in advance instead of starting the live stream out of nowhere.


If you show up once in a while, advertise a product and leave, followers see a faceless corporation instead of a business run by real people. You're on a journey just like anyone else--and celebrating your milestones "humanizes" your business to your followers. Instead of watching a corporation make money, they'll watch a small business grow and develop and feel like they're part of your success. After all, they support you by following your Instagram and Twitter accounts and placing orders.

Celebrating your wins also helps you network with other businesses. As they watch your business grow, your peers might consider partnerships and collaborations that benefit both companies. On another note, you'll show competitors that you're a force in your industry who takes your business seriously. They'll need to step up if they don't want to lose their customers to you.

To highlight your successes, make a post whenever your business hits a milestone. You could celebrate earning 1,000 followers, selling 100 products, or reaching your one-year anniversary. Other wins include seeing your products in stores, getting positive reviews, working with major brands, and opening a retail location.

Don't post a new milestone every week--they'll seem less valuable. Instead, limit yourself to one or two milestones each month. This might not seem like much, but you'll impress your followers and earn more customers when they see how quickly your business is growing.


Meme - People dabbing

People love memes regardless of where they came from. If you post a funny meme, your followers will hit the "like" button and potentially share, save or retweet your post, promoting your business to a new audience. In the meantime, they might notice the source, click on your page and find a company with the products or services that they're looking for.

Try to create your own memes or funny content. This could be a tweet, image, or video clip that grabs your audience's attention. While many profiles simply repost existing memes, they could run into trouble if the original poster objects. Plus, if a meme made specifically for your business goes viral, people associate your business with the meme instead of a Twitter handle that they'd never heard of.

If you're active on Twitter, check out trending hashtags and view your target audience's profiles to see what they're into. Don't try too hard to be funny--followers know when an out-of-touch business is trying to sound fresh and youthful. Just think about what you would find funny and tie it into your business. For example, if you sell cookware, you could make a joke about cleaning up after dinner.

While memes delight your audience, don't post memes every day. If you do, your social media page will turn into a meme repository instead of a business profile. This might reach a wide audience, but most of those people aren't interested in your product. Instead of thousands of generic followers, you need a steady follower base that appreciates your business as much as the memes.

At most, share a few memes per week. Intersperse the memes with professional content, like announcements about upcoming sales and products. Avoid sharing controversial memes--while you can talk about your values, you don't want to alienate too many followers.

Relatable Content

"Relatable" content is some of the most popular content on the Internet because it taps into universal experiences. When they see a relatable post, social media users think "Wow, me too! I thought I was the only person who thought that!" They share the post to delight their friends, which results in increased shares, views, and possibly sales.

When you post relatable content, you grab your followers' attention immediately, then entice them to share your post so everyone can relate. This is essentially free advertising. You're also showing followers that you're not a corporate business owner--you're a person just like them with the same thoughts and desires. Seeing you as a human operating a small business makes people more likely to place an order.

To create relatable content, find a balance between "universal" and "niche." Writing about bland, universal experiences, like "Don't you hate it when you go outside and the sun gets in your eyes?", bores your followers. However, narrowing down the content too much alienates anyone who hasn't had that specific experience.

Think about everyday experiences that are mildly funny. One popular post jokes about the fact that becoming an adult means "having a favorite burner on the stove." Additionally, think about experiences that relate to your business--for example, if you sell mattresses, you could joke about sleeping in. This ties the content to your brand so people associate your business with quality content.


Instagram Poll Example - Dog Lover or Cat Lover?

People love talking about themselves. Creating a poll takes only a few minutes, and a poll allows customers to voice their opinions in seconds. Plus, it's anonymous, so shy followers are more likely to join in. Your poll could also spark a discussion that leads to more engagement and personal interactions.

Some polls could relate directly to your business, like a poll that invites customers to choose your next candle scent. This increases brand engagement and makes followers feel like you're listening to them, not just taking their money. Plus, poll numbers give you an idea of how many people view and engage with your content.

You could also make general polls that invite people to share their thoughts. A generic poll like "What are you feeling right now?" bores your followers, but a specific poll like "What do you love most about summer?" makes your followers think and stay on your page for a few moments. They'll feel good because they voiced their thoughts and associate your brand with positive feelings.

Limit your polls to once or twice a week. If you bombard followers with polls, they'll figure that you're not listening because you can't possibly have time to view all these results. They'll start answering mindlessly and eventually give up altogether.

Customer Spotlights

Show clients how much you appreciate their business with customer spotlights. A spotlight offers a picture of the customer with their name, testimonial, and a little information about themselves. Typically, they discuss their interactions with your business and how you turned them into a repeat customer.

When you highlight a client, they're not just a client anymore--they're part of your business's family. This increases their brand loyalty and encourages them to promote your business. While they don't work for you, they see the business as a representation of themselves, like an influencer endorsing a product.

Customer spotlights also impress your followers. Your business is so successful that you don't just have customers: you have clients that actively endorse you. Followers see that you're an established company and check out your website for themselves. They might even place orders with the hope that you'll spotlight them one day. After all, everyone loves recognition even if it's just for buying a service.

Employee Spotlights

Employees celebrating another employee

On a similar note, employee spotlights highlight your coworkers and give followers a peek behind the scenes. They'll learn about the people behind the brand and consider how their purchase would support them. Employee spotlights also emphasize your company's culture of fun, recognition, and professionalism. You appreciate your employees so much that you want to tell the world about it.

Plus, employee spotlights increase satisfaction and productivity. Your coworker glows when you tell them that you're spotlighting them on Instagram, then eagerly takes part in an interview and photoshoot. Appreciation and recognition make them work harder to continue being part of your journey. They'll also feel like experienced professionals, which is valuable for people who started working recently.

Reach Out to E-Marketing Associates

Not sure how your business is performing online? Get a free business report that shows how your business stacks up against your competition. When you get your report, be sure to schedule a complimentary review with a Business Growth Advisor. At E-Marketing Associates we help small businesses grow!

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