Does more than 1 Facebook page exist for your hotel? This may not have seemed like that big of a deal in the past. Still, now that more and more guests are starting to leave reviews on the channel and are searching for information about hotels on Facebook in general, it’s crucial to have only one page associated with your hotel. There are two different ways to merge multiple Facebook pages. First, if you have access to the pages that exist, you can combine them. Second, if you do not have access, you can either enter a request to claim the page or report the page as a duplicate (and hopefully Facebook will delete it).
When you have access to all Facebook pages
If you have access to all the Facebook pages, sign in to the Facebook account that is an admin to both of the pages you want to merge. Use Facebook as the page you wish to keep then click ‘Settings’ at the top left of the page.

Once on the settings page, scroll to the second to last option on the right and click ‘Merge Pages.’ A little text box will appear saying ‘You can merge Pages you manage if they have similar names and represent the same thing. The likes and check-ins from these Pages will be combined.’ Click ‘Request to merge duplicate pages.’

Remember, this will only work if you are signed in to a Facebook account that is admin to ALL of the pages you wish to merge. Do not submit multiple requests; Facebook warns they will delete all pages if numerous requests are submitted.
If you only have access to one Facebook page
If an actual Facebook page exists for your hotel that you do not have access to, first determine whether it was created automatically because of someone checked-in, or if someone manually created a page. Here is an example of a page that has been generated automatically:

If a page has posts, a cover photo, and comments aside from reviews, the page has been manually created by someone. If the page has been created manually and you do not have access to it, your only option is to report the page. Reporting a page does not guarantee that Facebook will remove it, but it’s a good idea to try. To report a page, click the three dots located at the bottom right of the page’s cover photo and select ‘Report Page.’

From the pop-up menu, click ‘Duplicate of Another Place’ and enter the name of the Facebook page that it is a duplicate of, then click submit.

If the page has been created automatically, you have the opportunity to claim the page and then merge it with your current Facebook page. Click the little dropdown arrow to the far right of the unclaimed page (see Downtown Los Angeles image above) and click ‘Is this your business?’ Follow the on-screen instructions to claim your page. You will need to verify your affiliation with the business through either an email address at the business domain. You can achieve this by sending over a copy of a utility bill. Once you have control of the page, follow the instructions above to merge the page with your existing Facebook page.
That’s it! Now you can have one solid Facebook page and. Click here for social media post ideas for your hotel.