Use the New Hootsuite Reputology App to Monitor Online Reviews


Arielle Reyes

Dec 17, 2013


category folder



Hoteliers are well aware of the importance of managing a hotel’s reputation. A large part of maintaining that reputation occurs online and includes monitoring review websites. Online reviews can frequently be one of the first impressions a guest may have of your hotel. It is vital to have an active presence on review sites, which means responding to negative reviews as well as a handful of positive reviews. While hoteliers know this is important, it can be challenging to take time out of their busy schedules to constantly monitor review sites for new posts.

The social media management site HootSuite launched a new feature that allows users to easily monitor reviews from all major review sites, including TripAdvisor and Yelp. Many hoteliers are already using HootSuite to manage various social media accounts, so adding online reviews to the mix is both convenient and helpful.

How It Works

Online reviews can be viewed in a feed on HootSuite that is powered by Reputology, an app created by MIT graduates. 

Here is an example of what the review feed will look like:

Hootsuite Reputology interface

The site allows hoteliers the opportunity to be quickly notified of new reviews and to take appropriate action. Users can control what is viewed on each stream (column) and add more or fewer streams depending on their preferences. Streams can be customized to display rating, review site, location, and status. ‘Status’ is a great tool that allows hoteliers to assign a special status to a review to keep track on the follow-up.

Hootsuite Reputology follow-up

(Note: list of directories displayed is not a comprehensive list of all the sites Reputology monitors)

Even hotels with multiple locations can easily keep track of online reviews for all properties. The Red Roof Inn currently monitors all 350 locations using Reputology.

So why is it important to manage your online reputation?

First and foremost, monitoring reviews can help improve operations. If a guest leaves a negative review of your hotel, you still have a chance to make it right. You can change their opinion with a carefully crafted management response and by looking into the situation. Also, hoteliers will find out first-hand from guests what improvements could be made to improve the guest experience.

Online reviews also affect hotels from Social Search Optimization (SSO) and a sales standpoint. A study conducted by Harvard found that reviews can have an impact on sales by as much as 9%. A second, more recent study by Digital Marketing Works (DMW) also found that reviews play a significant role in Google’s search rank.

Whatever your strategy, managing your hotel’s online reputation is essential for both the guest and the hotel.

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