10 Sales Closing Tips for Business Owners


Steve Thompson

Apr 30, 2022


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Small business success often depends on talent more than technology, as humans are still better at selling than machines. Identifying your potential customers by qualifying leads with a scoring system will save you time and speed up sales. Here are important sales closing tips for small business owners to consider to improve revenue.

1. Establish Qualified Leads

Qualified Leads

When it comes to lead generation, many businesses are aware of Wanamaker's Dilemma, which involves determining which part of your advertising dollars is wasted. Is possible for advertising to generate plenty of leads, but they must still be qualified. Going through new leads is much more efficient when someone first scores the leads as close to a sale (warm) or not interested (cold).

2. Know the 7 Stages of the Sales Cycle

It's crucial for all sales agents to understand the different stages in the sales process so that they are aware of which stage they are in with each prospect. This understanding helps accelerate communication toward closing sales when it's appropriate. Here are the 7 stages of the sales cycle:

  1. Prospecting
  2. Establish contact
  3. Qualify the lead
  4. Nurture the lead
  5. Make your offer
  6. Overcome objections
  7. Close the deal

3. Listen and Ask Questions

Part of your sales journey involves learning as much as you can about the prospect's needs. Listen to their story and whatever challenges they face. Find out why they seek your product or service. The more you know about their concerns, the clearer picture you'll have of the solution they need. Focus on how you can help them achieve their goals by connecting your brand's benefits with their needs. One of the best questions to ask a prospect after discussing your offerings is if you've answered all their questions.

4. Prioritize Sales Efforts When a Prospect Wants to Buy

Man talking to a group of people

At the stage of a sales cycle when a customer is ready to buy, the sales representative should focus on closing the deal by mentioning the benefits. When speaking of competitors, it's best to compare your offerings with them rather than be critical. When your prospect remains silent, fill in the gap by asking, "does this make sense?" Here are 7 of the most common methods to successfully close a deal:

  1. Urgency
  2. Summary
  3. Sharp Angle
  4. Question
  5. Assumptive Close
  6. Main Takeaway
  7. Soft Close

5. Aim to Know Decision Makers

The most effective B2B sales relationships are with managers who decide on what to purchase for their business. If the professional you speak with is not the decision-maker, find out who is in charge and try to develop a relationship with them. You can sell your product or service much easier to businesses when you have an open channel with the person who is responsible for purchasing.

6. Avoid Hype and Pressure

At one-time marketing hype and sales, the pressure was considered necessary to close the deal. But in the digital age, one of the keys to closing sales is to do the opposite. Consumers have learned from online reviews and their own experiences how hype can be misleading. The hard sell era ended quite a while ago, so it's important for every small business owner to rely more on honesty and reputation than aggressive persuasion.

7. Win the Customer's Trust By Offering Something Free


Part of the challenge to sales is winning the customer's trust. You can quickly gain trust by giving them something for free, such as a free 14-day trial. Once they experience the product or service for themselves, they may become attached to it and decide to buy it.

8. Create a Rebuttal for Each Pain Point

Negotiation is an important component of overcoming objections in the sales process. At some point, you should become aware of the various paint points people have that prevent them from purchasing your product or service. Ideally, you should create a variety of different rebuttals for each pain point without fabricating or distorting the truth.

9. Refine Your Sales Pitch

Your sales pitch needs to be a good fit with your target market. It helps to create a brief summary of your pitch that you can throw at prospects when conversation time is limited. A crucial part of the sales process is refining your pitch so that it presents the most relevant benefits in a few sentences. Once you have a solid summary worked out, write a unique selling proposition (USP) based on it. Your USP should explain what makes your product or service different from competitors.

10. Wrap Up the Deal on a Positive Note

Man closing a sale with a woman

Getting a prospect to sign the contract is the ultimate goal for building long-term business relationships. Reassure them they are getting a reliable solution for their purchase. Point out how the product or service will make their life better. It always helps to know exactly what to say when the prospect has reached the purchasing decision stage. Offer confident statements that they are making the right decision, adding that you'd really like their business. Ask if they can make it happen.


These sales closing tips for small business owners can help accelerate sales. The key is to customize your sales strategies based on what best fits your target market. One of the most effective ways to refine your existing sales strategy is to listen to what customers say about the business through reputation monitoring.

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