Reviews Your Hotel Must Monitor

October 26, 2017

What review sites should your hotel be monitoring in 2017? Make sure you are actively checking and responding on these key sites.

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Compete With OTA’'s with Socail

July 10, 2015

OTA’s and hotels are in a long standing battle for customer bookings. Are you doing everything you can to compete with the online travel agencies?

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Compete With OTA’s

May 29, 2015

With OTA’s giving hotels stiff competition for direct bookings, simply having your site on the SERP isn’t going to be enough to convert a visitor.

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Fighting Against the OTAs

February 20, 2015

With only two major players left in the OTA space, Expedia and Priceline can make and play by their own rules. Find out what you can do to combat that.

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Educating Guests Away from the OTAs

January 22, 2015

If successful, this strategy could help reduce a property’s OTA contributions. But, in the ongoing fight against commissions, are ideas like this enough?

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Hoteliers Versus OTAs

December 25, 2013

As a hotel professional, how do you feel about online travel agencies (OTAs)? Are you tired of the unfair pricing structure? See how to fight back!

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3 Ways to Recapture Share from OTAs

December 19, 2013

If you are tired of the big guy pushing you around, here are three ways hotels can recapture share from the OTAs. Get those direct bookings back!

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New Perspective on OTAs & Metasearch

December 12, 2013

Today, travelers are much savvier when it comes to finding the best airline & hotel deals. As the online world has evolved, so has the modern-day traveler.

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